U.S. & International Crane Rail Data
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U.S. Rail Data   (dimensions in inches)

  Rail Height Flange Width Head Width at Top Head Width at Base Head Height Web Thickness Flange Thickness at Edge Flange Thickness at Center Weight (per yard)   in4 in4

Rail Type

ASCE 40 rail 3.5 3.5 1.875 1.875 1.016 0.391 0.220 0.625 40 1.563 6.54 2.0
ASCE 60 rail 4.25 4.25 2.375 2.375 1.219 0.484 0.276 0.766 60 1.898 14.56 4.4
ASCE 80 rail 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.5 0.547 0.299 0.875 80 2.188 26.38  
ASCE 85 rail 5.188 5.188 2.563 2.563 1.547 0.563 0.291 0.891 85 2.266 30.07 7.7
ASCE 100 rail 5.75 5.75 2.75 2.75 1.703 0.563 0.313 0.969 100 2.508 43.97 13.2
AREA 100 rail 6 5.375 2.571 2.688 1.656 0.563 0.438 1.063 100 2.703 49.0  
104 rail 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 0.5 1.063 104 2.438 29.84 8.56
105 rail 5.188 5.188 2.563 2.563 1.75 0.938 0.497 1 105 2.203 34.41 9.4
AREA 115 rail 6.625 5.5 2.719 2.719 1.688 0.625 0.438 1.125 115 2.875 65.5  
AREA 132 rail 7.125 6 3 3 1.75 0.656 0.437 1.188 132 3.20 88.2  
AREA 133 rail 7.063 6 3   1.938 0.688   1.188 133 3.75 86.3  
AREA 136 rail 7.313 6 2.938 2.938 1.938 0.688   1.188 136 3.875 94.2  
135 rail 5.75 5.188 3 3.438 1.875 1.25 0.486 1.063 135 2.80 50.6 12.07
171 rail 6 6 4 4.3 2 1.25 0.625 1.25 171 2.625 73.4 23.80
175 rail 6 6 4.031 4.25 1.75 1.5 0.5 1.141 175 2.656 70.22 21.65


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International Rail Data   (dimensions in millimeters)
  Rail Height Flange Width Head Width at Top Head Width at Base Head Height Web Thickness Flange Thickness at Edge Flange Thickness at Center Weight (per meter) cm cm4 cm4

Rail Type

A45 rail 55 125 45 45 24 24 8 14.5 22.2 3.31 91 169
A55 rail 65 150 55 55 28.5 31 9 17.5 32.0 3.88 182 339
A65 rail 75 175 65 65 34 38 10 20 43.5 4.44 327 609
A75 rail 75 200 75 75 39.5 45 11 22 56.6 5 545 1010
A100 rail 100 200 100 100 45.5 60 12 23 75.2 5.21 888 1360
A120 rail 105 220 120 120 55.5 72 12 30 101.3 5.7 1420 2370
A150 rail 150 220 150 150 50 80 14 41.5 151.3 76.3 4271  


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International Rail Data   (dimensions in millimeters)

  Rail Height Flange Width Head Width at Top Head Width at Base Head Height Web Thickness Flange Thickness at Edge Flange Thickness at Center Weight (per meter) cm cm4 cm4
Rail Type RH FW HT HB HH WT FE FM kg Y Ixx Iyy
MRS 51 rail 127 127 64 64 30.8 25 12.3 27 51.6 71 1242 356
MRS 52 rail 132 132 65 65 37.7 24 10.2 25.4 52.1 71 1432  
MRS 67 rail 146 132 76 87.3 37.5 32 11.9 27 67 75 2105 503
MRS 73 rail 157 146 70 70 33 32 17   73.6 80 2660  
MRS 77 rail 100 200 100 100 37 60 12 23 77.0 55 1030 1418
MRS 85 rail 152 152 102 109 39.2 32 15.6 31.8 84.8 76 3055 991
MRS 87A rail 152 152 102 109 40 35 15.6 31.8 86.8 77 3068 975
MRS 87B rail 152 152 102 108 33 38 12.7 29 86.8 76 2923 901
MRS 125 rail 180 180 120 120 52 40 21 40 125 91 6225 2250
MRS 127 rail 180 180 120 120 52 40 25   127 91 6420  
MRS 151 rail 150 220 150 150 50 80 14 31.5 151 74 4271 3656

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International Rail Data  (dimensions in millimeters)

  Rail Height Flange Width Head Width at Top Head Width at Base Head Height Web Thickness Flange Thickness at Edge Flange Thickness at Center Weight (per meter) cm cm4 cm4
Rail Type RH FW HT HB HH WT FE FM kg Y Ixx Iyy
BS 50'0' rail 100 100 52.4 52.4 26.9 10.3 7.1 12.1 24.89 50.05 424  
BS 60'R' rail 114.3 109.5 57.2 57.2 26.2 11.1 7.5 16.67 29.82 58.7 681  
BS 60A rail 114.3 109.5 57.2 58.67 25.2 11.1 7.5 16.67 30.62 59.3 696  
BS 70A rail 123.8 111.1 60.3 62.23 28.5 12.3 7.9 15.08 34.81 62.5 911  
BS 75R rail 128.6 122.2 61.9 61.9 29.5 13.1 8.3 18.65 37.04 66.7 1061  
BS 75A rail 128.6 114.3 61.9 63.75 30.5 12.7 8.3 15.48 37.46 64.8 1049  
BS 80'0' rail 127 127 63.5 63.5 32.5 13.9 10.3 16.59 39.81 65.9 1111  
BS 80'R rail 133.4 127 63.5 63.5 30.2 13.5 8.7 19.45 39.67 69.6 1225  
BS 80A rail 133.4 117.5 63.5 65.53 30.5 13.1 8.7 16.27 39.76 67.9 1205 219.6
BS 90R rail 142.9 136.5 66.7 66.7 32.5 13.9 9.1 20.6 44.51 74.8 1584  
BS 90A rail 142.9 127 66.7 68.83 33.5 13.9 9.1 17.07 45.1 72.9 1564  
BS 95R rail 147.6 141.3 68.3 68.3 33.8 14.3 9.1 21.03 47.14 77.1 1791  
BS 95N rail 147.6 139.7 69.9 69.9 32.5 13.9 9.1 17.46 46.95 76.1 1775  
BS 100A rail 152.4 133.35 69.85 72.14 35.81 15.08 9.52 16.27 50.18 76.2 1961  
BS 100R rail 152.4 146.05 69.85 69.85 35.05 14.29 9.13 21.43 49.53 63.5 2013  
BS 110A rail 158.75 139.7 69.85 72.14 36.07 15.87 11.11 18.26 54.52 76.2 2323  
BS 113A rail 158 139.7 69.9 72.14 36.1 20 11.1 18.26 56.4 83.9 2332 420.1
BSC 13 rail 48 92 36 N/A N/A N/A 8.5 N/A 13.3 26.5 39 74.4
BSC 16 rail 54 108 44.5 N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A 16 29.6 64.6 116.3
BSC 20 rail 55.5 127 50 N/A N/A N/A 8.5 N/A 20 29.7 82.1 192.8
BSC 28 rail 67 152 50 N/A N/A N/A 9 N/A 28.6 38 167.5 371
BSC 35 rail 76 160 58 N/A N/A N/A 10.5 N/A 35.4 41.7 266 504
BSC 50 rail 76 165 58.5 N/A N/A N/A 15 N/A 50.2 46.7 326 719
BSC 56 rail 101.5 171 76 76 32 35 10 22.83 56.8 57 836 686
BSC 89 rail 114 178 102 102 51 51 16 28.83 88.9 60.7 1493 1416
BSC 101 rail 155 165 100 100 45 45 18 30.38 100.4 81.1 3411 1266
BSC 164 rail 150 230 140 140 60 75 32 47.22 166 82.3 4777 5122

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International Rail Data  (dimensions in millimeters)

  Rail Height Flange Width Head Width at Top Head Width at Base Head Height Web Thickness Flange Thickness at Edge Flange Thickness at Center Weight (per meter) cm cm4 cm4
Rail Type RH FW HT HB HH WT FE FM kg Y Ixx Iyy
S7 rail 65 50 25 25 12.5 5 3.2   6.75 34 51.6  
S10 rail 70 58 32 32 17.3 6 4 11.2 10 35 85.7  
S14 rail 80 70 38 38 17.3 9 4.8 13.5 14 42 154  
S18 rail 93 82 43 43 20 10 5 15.2 18.3 48 278  
S20 rail 100 82 44 44 21.5 10 6 16.2 19.8 52 346  
S24 rail 115 90 53 53 23.9 10 7   24.4 56 569  
S30 rail 108 108 60.3 60.3 24 12.3 7   30 56 606  
S33 rail 134 105 68 68 31.75 11 9.5 13.3 33.4 67.3 1039  
S36 rail 153 140 65 65 38 15.5 11.2   50.6 81 2019  
S40 rail 128 115 60   30.5 13 10   36.5 68 1019  
S41/14 rail 138 125 67 67 31.8 12 9.5   41 68 1337  
S41/10 rail 138 125 67 67 31.8 12 9.5 15.3 41.4 70 1368  
S49 rail 149 125 65.4 70 39.8 14 10.5 27.5 49.4 76 1819  
S54 rail 154 125 65.8   43.3 16 12   54.5 79 2073  
S64 rail 172 150 73   43 16 13   64.9 91 3253  

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International Rail Data (dimensions in millimeters)

  Rail Height Flange Width Head Width at Top Head Width at Base Head Height Web Thickness Flange Thickness at Edge Flange Thickness at Center Weight (per meter) cm cm4 cm4
Rail Type RH FW HT HB HH WT FE FM kg Y Ixx Iyy
CR 73 rail 135 140 100 100 34.5 32 13 26.5 73 68.1 2000  
CR 100 rail 150 155 120 108 42.9 39 17 30 100 74.3 3270  
GCR 108 rail 100 263 75   40 20 10.5   108 51 1039 7350
GCR 183 rail 120 280 75   55 65 16   183 67 2808 10590
JIS 30A rail 108 108 60 60 31 12.3   19.45 30.1 48.22 606  
JIS 37A rail 122 122 63 63 36 13.5 5.7 21.4 37.2 58.4 952  
JIS 40N rail 140 122 64 64 41 14   15.5 40.9 68.9 1360  
JIS 50N rail 144 127 68 68 46 14.3   18.5 50.4 66.9 1740  
JIS 50PS rail 153 127 65 65 49 15   27.8 50.4 71.6 1960  
JIS 60 rail 174 145 65 65 49 16.5 12 30.1 60.8 77.8 3090  
NP 38 rail 134 110 64     12.5     38.4 67 1185  
NP 42 rail 138 110 68   31.6 13.5 9.75   41.5 70 136.9  
NP 46 rail 142 120 72   33 14 10   46.6 72 1605 310
PRS 90 rail 143 136.5 67 67 43.7 13.9   20.64 44.6 68.1 1600  
PJKA R14A rail 138 110 68.5 68.5 40.5 13.5   23.5 42.6 68.5 1369  
P43 rail 140 114 70 70 42 14.5 11 27   62.5    
P50 rail 152 132 70 70 42 16 10.5 27 51.6 68.5 2011 375
QU 70 rail 120 120 70 76.5 32.5 23   24 52.8 59.3 1082 327
QU 80 rail 130 130 80 87 35 32   26 63.7 64.3 1547 482
QU 100 rail 150 150 100 108 40 38   30 89 76 2865 941
QU 120 rail 170 170 120 129 45 44 14.6 35 118 84.3 4924 1695
UIC 50 rail 152 125 70   36.3 15 10   50.2 76 1940  
UIC 54E rail 161 125 67   38.7 16 12   53.8 91.5 2308  
UIC 54 rail 159 140 70   36.3 16 11 18 54.4 84 2347 418
UIC 60 rail 172 150 72 74.3 37.5 16.5 11.5 16.9 60.3 91 3055 513
68kg rail 185.7 152.4 74.6 74.6 49.2 17.5   30.2 68 85    
